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Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

We have tried our best to sum up all the relevant questions that can easily help our customers. For questions about Co-op. Please check out Co-op FAQs on our Co-op page. If we have missed out on your particular question, feel free to chat with us or drop an e-mail. We are looking forward to your queries, suggestions, and concerns.

All that you can find here:

• About Vanilla, Vanilla beans, orchid, storage, etc.
• Vanilla extract, measurement of vanilla beans, recipes.
• Other vanilla products listed by us
• Shipping policy, return, and tracking information.

Questions about Vanilla beans

The place of origin of rich and aromatic Vanilla Beans is Mexico. It was first discovered and cultivated for years. Later, it became a commonly grown spice of Madagascar, Papua New Guinea, Uganda, Tahiti, Indonesia, etc. As per the change in the region, the process of cultivation varies. This results in the quality of Vanilla Beans.

Highest standard Vanilla beans of Madagascar
The premium quality vanilla beans are grown in Madagascar, and it tops the chart in terms of the flavour. It is cultivated in Madagascar and is a source of income for many farmers. The significant characteristics of the variety of Vanilla Beans grown here are creamy, perfectly moist, full of flavor, and sweet. An ideal choice for pastry chefs and dessert shop owners.
Tahiti Vanilla Beans
The climatic conditions of Tahiti are favorable for growing vanilla beans. Tahiti beans are crossbreeding of Aromatic and fragrant (These are two different types of Vanilla Beans). If you have got a chance to taste them, you can feel the difference. It is something like almond, floral, and cherry.

Vanilla is a fruit. Isn't it amazing? Beans of Vanilla are rich in flavor, and you must be amazed that it is a fruit that is grown on an orchid. Fruit-bearing capability is rare and not in every orchid. Rather every one orchid out of four bears fruit. The magical fruit grows in warm climatic conditions.

Vanilla belongs to an orchid family, which has one hundred and ten species. Vanilla has originated from Mexico and is used as a commercial flavoring substance to create various products like Vanilla extract, Vanilla powder, vanilla sugar. The plant begins its life from a green bean. The rich and young seed can germinate into a sapling. It is planted and cultivates in tropical regions around the world. The plant grows well in a dry-hot climate. The requirement of rainfall should be sufficient enough to offer favorable soil conditions. Like other orchids, Vanilla Planifolia depends on another plant for growth and overgrows around a mature tree. But, it is not like a breeder. It doesn't take away any nutrient like a parasite from the trees. It has a good life and will be grown fully within three years. It is the stage when it is capable of bearing Vanilla pods. Fully mature Vanilla pods are raised within 9-10 months.

Vanillin is a natural ingredient found in vanilla beans which is a single component. It can be produced artificially as is created used Petro-Chemical. It is a molecular formula in terms of chemistry used to develop the artificial Vanilla extract. It is a human-made chemical made to recreate Vanilla flavor the simulates only 1 component. Natural Vanilla is comprising of as many as 300 components. It is a harsh reality but synthetically produces vanillin is more used as compare to the natural one. We encourage people to shift from artificial ones to natural ones. It has many health benefits and is best for consumption.

It can be grown once a year in all the countries apart from Uganda. Uganda experience two harvest seasons.

Similar to fruits, vegetables, and other raw food products, Vanilla beans differ in taste as per the place of origin. The familiar flavors found in Vanilla beans are sweet, floral, fruity, chocolate-like, almond-like, etc. But, all of them are not found in one type of Vanilla Beans. The technique of growing and cultivating places a significant role in the flavor and taste of Vanilla Beans. The more authentic they are, the more flavorful they will be in like. Traditionally grown Vanilla beans are the best in taste irrespective of the place of origin.

We have a team dedicated to the selection of the finest and highest standard quality Vanilla beans. We are procuring beans from farmers in Madagascar, Uganda, Indonesia and papua new guinea offering them to our customers. We critically adopt the quality check process. We curb the commission of brokers/intermediaries and offer Vanilla beans at a fair price. We pay farmers a reasonable price and let them decide the worth of their produce.

Absolutely yes, Vanilla beans are 100% gluten-free. Every naturally grown Vanilla bean is having no artificial substance and hence is entirely gluten-free. All the natural processes are included in conducting the cultivation of naturally grown Vanilla beans. There is not process which is involving genetic modification. We ensure the products listed with us are all naturally grown, including Vanilla beans, Vanilla extract, Pure grounded Vanilla beans powder. We do not practice genetic modification or procure from farmers who use such processes. Please note vanilla beans and other products are nut-free, halal, and kosher.

The reason behind the high price tag is the vendors or wholesalers do not create Vanilla beans. The margin is charged by the brokers or intermediaries to procure them at a very low cost from farmers and charging very high from the end consumers.

We are a Brand selling excellent quality Gourmet Grade A & Extract Grade B Vanilla Beans by skipping all the middlemen/brokers. We are rooted in Madagascar, Uganda, Indonesia and papua new guinea and directly deal with farmers. We procure our Vanilla Beans and sell only premium quality ones. Vanilla beans are grown with the help of expert farming techniques that are traditional and passed on from one generation to another.

We do not charge a hefty amount for the highest quality Vanilla beans and pay fair charges to the farmers. We believe in sustainable living, and you can find the details on Sustainability Page.

Broadly Vanilla is of two types; Vanilla Planifolia and Tahitian Vanilla.

• Vanilla Planifolia is a type of Vanilla orchid which is one of its kind. It has a high quantity of Vanillin. Back in the 18th century, it got its common name as vanilla. Later was recognized and acknowledged as a flavoring agent. Vanilla Planifolia was first grown in Mexico. Worldwide, people associate bourbon with Madagascar, and it is the one type named after the bourbon island which is now Madagascar, and it is now known as Reunion Madagascar.

• Tahitian Vanilla is a crossbreed of Vanilla Planifolia and Vanilla odorata. It is having a unique flavour and is used for its fresh-fruity taste. It is grown in Papua New Guinea and is has a different aroma as compare to bourbon vanilla.

Well, when it comes to vanilla, each variety is different with its unique characteristics. While some have a more potent flavour, some have more caviar. Some have more depth while some are fruity and light. In other words, each variety is slightly yet significantly different from the others. And the thing is, each kind is great. So, try all these kinds and find your favorites!

Vanilla Beans are categorized based on their length and moisture content. Longer beans have more caviar and rich flavor and these are higher grades than shorter beans with less caviar. If you seek a deeper Vanilla flavour, try Gourmet Grade A Vanilla Beans and if you like the moderate ones, opt for Extract Grade B Vanilla beans. Both the grades work well and are of high standards. Obviously, grade B beans are cheaper and dryer.

We will help you buy the perfect choice for you. Follow the steps:

• Check your requirement: The purpose for your purchase should be clear. You need to understand the difference between the products offered and which one suits your requirement. We have shared the product description for all our listed products. Check them out and ensure to read everything about them, including specifications. Madagascar Vanilla beans are rich and aromatic and flavour, and we majorly offer them in two grades. GRADE A is best suitable for professional requirements like bakeries, restaurants, home bakers etc. Grade B Vanilla beans are best for making Vanilla powder, and it is ideal for making homemade Vanilla extract and homemade Vanilla paste.

• Finalize the quantity using our Vanilla extract calculator: When you have finalized the type of Vanilla beans, as per your usage. Jump to the amount. Ideally, it depends upon your use. For home, you require few ounces, and for commercial purposes, bulk quantity. You can read the details about our bulk quantity on our bulk page.

• Add it to the cart: Add the selected quantity in your cart and re-check the product type and its amount.

• Complete the payment: Lastly, complete your payment and keep tracking the order.

Size wise, each bean is different and there is no special number per ounce. Some beans are long and skinny while others are short and plump. And that is why it is difficult to get a bean/oz estimate. However, typically, for long/luxury beans there are likely to be 5+ beans per ounce, and for shorter beans, the number is more than that. We have seen as few as 2 and as many as 20 beans in an ounce! If you are looking for grade-A beans, you can expect 6-9 beans per ounce.

Vanilla beans are sold as per weight and as per quantity. If you need 15 beans, you can order that from us; Orchid Vanilla Pods accepts orders in Kilogram, Pound, ounces and number of beans. For bulk orders, Vanilla beans are suitable in Kg & Lbs. In an ounce, you can roughly get seven to ten Vanilla beans. Did you check our Vanilla beans extract calculator? Vanilla beans extract calculator? It can help you to decide the weight of beans for making Vanilla beans extract. Do not worry about the recipe; check our blog, and you will be amazed by them.

There are a lot of ways to use your vanilla beans. If you have whole beans, use the caviar in making vanilla bean ice cream, pudding, etc. And don’t throw away the pods. Rather, put them back in alcohol to continue extracting. You can also use whole vanilla beans to flavour sugar or salt. Put the dried whole beans or the ground in a jar of sugar or salt and leave it for 2 weeks or longer. This is how you will get homemade vanilla sugar or vanilla salt. You can also dry the beans and grind them into vanilla powder which you can use as a substitute for vanilla extract.

If not taken proper care of, vanilla beans can spoil just like any fruits and veggies. Experts recommend submerging beans in 70-90 proof alcohol if you want to keep the beans soft and supple and prevent mold growth for a really long time. Storing beans in the refrigerator or freezer is not a good idea. Rather, you can vacuum seal the beans. Even though it is not a permanent storage method just like alcohol, it will easily extend the shelf life for up to a year. If stored outside of alcohol, vanilla beans can react differently in different environments and temperatures. For more information in this regard, read our blogs. how to store vanilla beans blog

As per the Merck index vanillin, the aromatic chemical in vanilla slowly oxidizes on exposure to moist air while also it is affected by light. That is why Vanilla beans should be kept out of direct sunlight and it will be ideal to store them behind a closed door.

The best way is to store it properly and use it efficiently. If you do not store them in air-tight containers, there is a strong chance of developing molds in your Vanilla Beans. Please refer to our how to store vanilla beans blog to get more details.

Almost every recipe that has Vanilla as an ingredient uses one teaspoon of Vanilla extracts can be replaced by one fresh Vanilla bean.

It is noted in some cases, especially when baking a cake, cookies, or preparing a dessert. Vanilla powder or Vanilla extract works perfectly in comparison to Vanilla beans. We have listed them as our products for you to get them within a single click. Check our other products as well on the product page.

Vanilla orchids are so delicate that they cannot tolerate harsh synthetic management. That means all vanilla beans are organic. However, getting certified organic can be expensive. That is why even though our vanilla beans are organically grown, they are not certified. Furthermore, we use fair trade methods without paying to have an official fair-trade certification. We always pay an asking price for our products so farmers can set their own price range and earn a living wage.

Beans that are split open or broken during the curing process are called this way. They may also be drier and not have seeds left inside the open pod. Still, they make a wonderful extract.

Questions about Vanilla Extract

Vanilla extract is a solution containing 35% alcohol, water, Vanilla beans, and other ingredients. The ratio of vanilla beans and Alcohol can be checked from our vanilla beans extract page. We have discussed all the formulas briefly. Highlighting our formula to create vanilla beans extract.

You can easily make homemade vanilla extract which is technically an infusion of vanilla into alcohol. So, leave the beans in 80-proof alcohol for 4-12 months. And while making a recipe with vanilla caviar, trim the end of a bean and squeeze the caviar out into the recipe. After that, put the cut pod pieces back into the bottle to continue extracting. Or, you can dry the pods to grind them or put them into a jar of sugar or salt to make vanilla-flavored sugar or salt. Or, you can allow them to dry and grind into vanilla powder. You can easily get relevant details in our How To Make Vanilla extract blog.

Also, We have a unique easy to use Vanilla extract calculator for making the process much easier.

It is possible to replace Alcohol with glycerine for the exact recipe. Please check out how to make non-alcoholic vanilla extract at home blog.

A vanilla extract made from naturally grown Vanilla beans is gluten-free.

The perfect choice to make Vanilla beans extract is by using Gourmet Vanilla Beans. It has a strong flavor compared to other available Vanilla beans, resulting in a perfect drop of authentic Vanilla bean extract. You can easily measure your extract ingredients using our Vanilla extract calculator. It is easy to use and will work perfectly.

Suppose you are confused and cannot decide which Vanilla beans are for you and should be chosen for the rich- aromatic Vanilla Beans extract. We are sharing a piece of relevant information about different Vanilla beans and their extract:

Madagascar Bourbon Vanilla - Premium quality Bourbon Vanilla beans from Madagascar are ideal for making very rich Vanilla extract. You can easily prepare a single fold or double fold. As per your wish, the ideal formula for the extract can be seen on our Vanilla Beans Extract page. You can easily find the Vanilla extract calculator for the perfect measurement of various ingredients of the formula.

Ugandan Vanilla Beans - The second rank would be given to Uganda Vanilla beans have bold flavour with an aroma of chocolate, raisins and figs with buttery and warm undertones.

Tahitian Vanilla beans - Tahitian vanilla beans have a fruity, floral, and cherry-like flavor.

Indonesian Vanilla beans - Indonesian vanilla beans have a rich, woody, and earthy aroma.

The first choice has to be bourbon Vanilla irrespective of the Grade. You can easily use Grade A or grade B, whichever fits into your taste.

To define a “single fold” vanilla extract, the FDA requires 2.64 ounces of vanilla beans per 750 mL alcohol. However, a nice extract can even be prepared with fewer beans. In that case, it may take longer to come to a usable strength. If you want double-fold vanilla, use twice the beans to the alcohol ratio. This is how you will get a very deeply flavored and rich extract. For exact calculation, check the Vanilla extract calculator.

Double-fold vanilla extract is made by using double the number of vanilla beans to the same ratio of alcohol. Just like that, the triple fold is 3 times the number of beans added to the same amount of alcohol. Double fold is a richer and stronger extract. Still, in baking, you can use as much of it as you want!

Splitting or cutting will make the extract-making process faster for sure. But if you want to preserve the caviar, just submerge the entire beans in the alcohol. After scraping the caviar you can put the empty pod back into the extract to keep the process going.

Make sure the ends of the beans are completely submerged in the alcohol level. If the ends are poking out, it can grow mold. To make them fit better, you can fold or bend the beans in your jar.

A warmer temperature is ideal for the extracting process. However, avoid procedures like pressure cooking or open flames. Ideal extracting temperatures are between 60-90 degrees F. Too much heat can damage the flavor components of vanilla beans.

You can use a warm water bath as well. Just be careful that jars are not left unsupervised and do not place them directly on a strong heat source either. You can also store the extract jars in warm locations like on the refrigerator or near a radiator. The place needs to be safe!

It is not required. But it will definitely speed up the extraction process if you lightly heat the alcohol before submerging the vanilla beans into it. To be safe, the temperature needs to stay below the boiling point of the alcohol. Another method is to give the extract jars a warm water bath. Do not leave the jars unsupervised or place them directly on a strong heat source.

Vodka is a basic starting point. We recommend 80-100 proof alcohol, which is the same as 40%-50% alcohol by volume. Never use less than 70 proof or 35% alcohol by volume. Also, avoid using higher than 100-120 proof. If you choose to use high-proof Everclear, make sure you dilute it with distilled water. And if you want to make a non-alcoholic extract, use food-grade glycerin.

If your only alcohol option is 190-proof Everclear, do not worry. By using distilled water or lower-proof alcohol you can safely dilute it down to the appropriate % alcohol before adding your beans. If you already have beans in Everclear and they are crunchy, add distilled water. The beans will rehydrate nicely. But the extract may remain cloudy.

Yes, you can freely mix beans or alcohol bases. Just make sure you keep the alcohol at 80 proof or 40% alcohol by volume. Mixed extracts often come up with a greater range and depth of flavor since there are different beans with their own strengths and weaknesses.

When your extract will be ready actually depends on various factors. If you are using the basic method, it will take at least 4 months and up to 18 months. The longer the better. In a "hot method," it could be ready in as little as 12 weeks. Shaking your jars regularly will speed up the process to some extent. Also, splitting open or cutting vanilla beans can make extracting faster.

A big jug with lots of beans and booze is called a mother jar. You can pour smaller amounts of extract out of the mother jar and keep them in smaller containers for everyday use. At the same time, you can keep the large jug tucked away to continue the extracting process. Gradually if the alcohol level dips from use, continue adding more alcohol to the top of the jar. Also, add new beans occasionally to keep up the strength. Mother jars often have a higher ratio of beans to alcohol.

For a batch of good extract, you can reuse beans about one and a half times. Make a batch of extract, and when it is strong enough as per your preference, take the beans out, and put them again into half as much alcohol for the second batch. It is all dependent on personal preference though. If you keep your beans whole and use them occasionally for caviar, keep adding some new beans occasionally.

Due to weather changes, it is often noticed. Vanilla beans get crystals on them. But what about Vanilla extract? The clouds are an indicator of mold build-up. You can get rid of that layer. And use the extract beneath that if in the coming weeks you notice the same build-up of clouds. Better get rid of it and order a new vanilla extract bottle from us.

Since the extract is made from alcohol, it will always smell or taste boozy. If you are tasting it straight from the bottle, it will likely have a strong alcoholic flavor. The alcohol may taste and smell even stronger if the extract is made with fewer beans or dark or strong alcohols. To get the right taste, try a few drops of extract with a spoonful of milk, whipped cream, sugar cube, etc. If you are still getting too much alcohol flavor, let the extract sit for longer. Also, try adding more beans or you can use an oak finishing block as well.

When your extract will be ready will be determined by a lot of factors. The extract will always smell slightly of alcohol. Always make a taste test to find out if you like the strength of your vanilla. If it is too boozy, let it keep extracting for longer. And if it tastes of rich vanilla, it’s ready! The basic method will take at least 4 months and up to 18 months. The hot method will take 12 weeks to six months or longer. Shaking your jars regularly will also speed up the procedure. Never use the pressure cooker method because it is not safe.

The topic is quite debatable; Mexican vanilla extracts if are made from original Vanilla beans. It is full of flavor and will give you the right kick. In case they are not made from natural vanilla beans and synthetically produced. It is very harmful and has additional sweeteners, which FDA does not recommend.

To make vanilla powder, dry the beans until they snap. Then ground the dry bean pods into a fine powder using a spice/coffee grinder or a high-powered blender. You can use this dry powder just like any other spice. On the other hand, Vanilla paste is made with the caviar of vanilla beans. Checkout how to make Vanilla pastein our bag.

Questions About Bulk Orders & Payments

The minor orders (Up to 25Kg of Vanilla Beans) are dispatched from Canada (as we have enough quantity at our office to meet small demands). The bulk orders (Above 25 Kg of Vanilla beans) are directly dispatched from Madagascar, Uganda, Indonesia or papua new guinea (directly from our organic farms).

We are wholesalers and offer wholesale prices to our customers irrespective of the number of orders.

We do not compromise on quality, and our beans are of average size. There is no difference in the size of beans, irrespective of the quantity ordered.

We offer a safe and secure medium for the completion of payment at your end. We have tried our best to include all the payment gateways, including Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Diners Club, Shop Pay, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Interac, PayPal and Email Transfer. We encourage you to use email transfer for saving the extra cost charged by various payment portals. We highly recommend it. For any further assistance, feel free to interact with us through our live chat facility. We are here to solve your query and concerns.

Yes, it is attached to your package. A copy is kept inside your package.

Questions About Shipping & Returns policy

We believe that 30 days provide ample time for customers to inspect the quality of their purchase and ensure their satisfaction. If, for any reason, you wish to return a product, please communicate your request within 30 days from the date of purchase.

Products are considered non-returnable after the 30-day period has elapsed. Please inspect and assess your items within this timeframe to ensure satisfaction.

Certainly! For optimal shelf life, we recommend vacuum-sealing opened packages to prevent mold growth. Submerging the beans in alcohol is also advised. Checkout our storage recommendation. Note that any damage resulting from improper storage, especially if vacuum sealing is not maintained, is not covered beyond the standard 30-day return policy.

In the unfortunate event that a parcel is lost by the shipping company, please be aware that shipping companies, by default, cover parcels up to CAD 100. Any additional responsibility for the lost parcel, beyond the covered amount, falls on the customer.

If you wish to return a product within the 30-day window or need assistance with a lost parcel, please contact our customer service team by Email/Chat/Phone. We are here to guide you through the respective processes and address any questions or concerns you may have.

Upon receiving the returned item or in the event of a lost parcel, we will assess the situation. If the product is eligible for a return, you may choose between a refund or an exchange based on availability.

Generally, orders are delivered within 3-7 working days depends on shipping method you choose. However, we advise you to wait for a more extended period. Local orders typically don't get delayed for more than three weeks, and international orders don't get delayed for more than six weeks.

We will inform you about any unavoidable delays. Please be patient with us. Local orders typically don't get delayed for more than three weeks, and international orders don't get delayed for more than six weeks.

Unfortunately, we do not offer a shipping guarantee. Once a shipment leaves our premises, we are not responsible for any loss during transit. We do not cover unavoidable disasters or calamities.

We reserves the right to update or modify this return policy at any time. Any changes will be communicated through our website.

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